
About The Founder

Hi, I’m Catherine, and I’ll be your Death Project Manager.

I’ve built organizations domestically and internationally. I quickly understand how things within a team are currently working, and seek to make things better.

I’m not afraid to ask deep questions, and get into the real meat of the problem.

My career has focused on helping organizations get organized in times of transition, to put their energy where it matters most.

Finding clarity in confusing times is what I do.

In my spare time, I’ve read extensively on death practices around the world, and take cemetery tours for fun.

My combination of project management skills, curiosity, follow-through, and death positivity mean that I am patient but firm in discussing not just the logistics of mortality, but also in exploring what death means for each of us individually - and work to implement those lessons into your daily life.

Let’s work together to ensure you can rest in peace.